Newsletter 28.6.19

Dear Parents / Carers,


Sports’ Day

A truly big thank you to everyone who made our afternoon of sports last week such a success. It was lovely to see the children enjoying their race experiences and cheering each other on. Da iawn St. Gabriel’s.


Of course, we must also say a very big thank you to all the Friends of St. Gabriel’s that manned the refreshments and the barbecue, in addition to the time taken to purchase, set up, prepare and put away. We are very grateful for the time that ‘the Friends’ are willing to put in – in this event they raised £277 to go towards school resources.


Reminder for September 2019: Changes to School Session times

Breakfast club to run from 8:15 am to 8:45 am. (Last entry is at 8.35 am)

  • Gates to be opened at 8:45 am and children can proceed straight into their classes, with their teachers, from this point.
  • Formal school day begins at 8:55 am – all children to be in classes at this time for registers.
  • 12:15 pm – lunch time for Foundation Phase (for a duration of 50 minutes, this still includes the same amount of time for eating).
  • 12:30 pm – lunch time for KS2 (for a duration of 50 minutes, this still includes the same amount of time for eating).
  • 3:05pm – school ends for Class 1 and Class 2.
  • 3:10pm – school ends for Class 3.
  • 3:15pm – school ends for Class 4, Class 5 and Class 6 (KS2).

School Uniform and School Bags

Many thanks to those that supported our change in policy this autumn when we moved away from rucksacks in the cloakrooms as they are easily knocked off the pegs which causes a safety issue for our children.

I appreciate that some parents missed the communication and therefore bought rucksacks specifically for the academic year we are now ending, therefore, following parent feedback, I will put the bookbag (not rucksack)  reminder on each newsletter until the end of term. I will also send out the whole school uniform and resources information booklet for all to reference in readiness for the summer term.

Please be aware that our school is continuing to grow in size this September and we really must all work together to ensure that the cloakrooms pose no unnecessary risks to our children. We thank you for your support in keeping our pupils safe. If you have any queries about this, please do contact me to discuss.


Summer Fayre: Friday July 12th 3:30pm

The summer fayre is rapidly approaching and if you think you would be able to support us with running a stall, setting up or clearing away, then we would love to hear from you. There will be a meeting on the 5th July at 2:15pm to discuss the final organisational plans. All are welcome!


Also, if anyone has any business links that they would be able to use to gain prizes for our summer fete raffle, please do let us know.





Lateness, though arriving within the first 15 minutes, of the day has increased this week. 23 pupils were late today! Please be aware that the gate for the school day opens at 8:40 am so please allow plenty of time to arrive at school. If mornings are tricky to get organised, why not consider joining our breakfast club which starts at 8:10am?


Please be aware that when pupils arrive late, this is considerably unsettling for them as they are rushing into class, missing the information that is provided by teachers at the start of each day.

Just being late 5 minutes each day of the school year adds up to approximately 3 days over the year!


Attendance this week has been below our school target for every single class! Here’s the break-down of attendance for this week:

Class 1: 91.9%

Class 2: 92.2%

Class 3: 91.4%

Class 4: 89.7%

Class 5: 93.1%

Class 6: 93.1%


Let’s all work on improving attendance next week by being in school, on time, as often as we physically can!



Dates for the Summer Term  (new dates in bold)



Thursday 4th July and Friday 5th July

Move up days for whole school

Year 6 at St. Joseph’s High School


Friday 12th July

Summer Fayre led by the Friends of St. Gabriel’s


Tuesday 16th July

Archdiocese Leavers’ Mass at St. Mary’s Church, Newport (Year 6 pupils)


Thursday 18th July

9:15 am: Class 6 Assembly


Friday 19th July

End of term – school finishes at the normal time


INSET Dates for the Next School Year (2019-20)


Monday 2nd September 2019

Monday 9th September 2019

Friday 12th June 2020

Monday 20th July 2020


We still have one more day to allocate. We are waiting on dates from an external training provider and once this is confirmed we will update the information.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Harris


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