Blended Learning Menu: Dosbarth Rhaglan | 13-11-2020


Everyday activities

– Use your logins to read through books we have assigned and activities we have set.

Use your logins and enjoy some fun spelling games.


  • Practise counting up and down in 2s, 5s and 10s from different places up to 100.
  • Play ‘Hit the button’ on Top Marks
Practise number bonds, halving and doubling.



Weekly Focus learning
Language Literacy Communication Share the two stories about different animals:

Commotion in the Ocean

Rumble in the Jungle

What adjectives are used to describe the different animals? Choose one animal from each book to describe. Draw your chosen animals. Write a list of different adjectives and phrases to describe each one and write these around your picture. Now choose another animal and see if you can learn the poem from that animal off by heart. Send us a video!

Mathematical Development – have a go at completing these bookets:

Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Religious Education – Baptism
Design a Baptism card. Think about some of the signs and symbols that could be drawn on the front.



Extend the learning
Project – Have a go at making your own story scene out of an empty shoe or cereal box for either the ocean or a jungle. What types of things would you see in the habitat? Either draw your background or find pictures to cut out and glue inside. Perhaps have a go at making some animal puppets too by drawing some animals, cutting them out and using either straws or lollipop sticks to hold them.

Project – Have a look at some of the clips from Chester Zoo’s virtual tours

Draw a map of your own zoo or safari park. What creatures would look after there? Label all the different animals that you are caring for.

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