Dosbarth Caerdydd: Blended Learning 1/3/21


Daily Activities

Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension

Daily  Reading

Read daily at home with an adult. Keep record the books that you read. Maybe you would like to upload a video of you reading a chapter of your book onto Seesaw.


You have a selection of books to read in your library. Have a go at answering the questions based on these texts.

Task 2 – Spelling

Spelling Shed

You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?

Task 3 – Mathematics

Maths Targets

Practice your times tables and related facts at home. You might want to use the website Top Marks Maths to help you.

You could also write the product of multiplication on post it notes. Ask a grown up or someone at home to shout out the matching multiplication sum. You could ‘splat’ these with a ruler ! If you want to make it more active take the game outside! You could use a ball to shoot at the answers.


Our learning focus

Task 1 – Mathematics

  • We will manage money and be investigating what can be bought within a given budget to plan a St David’s Day party.
  • We will be multiplying and dividing numbers by 100.
  • We will be adding and subtracting using a column method and solving 2 step word problems.

Task 2 – Literacy

  • We will be continuing our genre focus which is ‘Short Historical Stories.’ We will continue to read our book called ‘The Queen’s Token’ which is based in the Tudor period.
  • We will investigate the 5 parts of a story structure and its features.
  • We will be planning and writing our own short historical story.

Task 3: Science and Technology

We will be learning about sounds and how they reach our ears.

Task 4: Humanities/Creative Arts

We will be creating portraits of Tudors.

We will illustrate a map of Wales using key landmarks and symbols of Wales.

Task 5: Welsh

We will be writing sentences to describe animals.

Task 6: RE

We will continue to learn about the communion rite. We will be reading the prayer for peace and discussing how we can to act in light of the words. We will also write our own prayer or poem about how peace and unity in the world might shape the lives of Christians.


Extended learning

Task 1 –Languages, Literacy and Communication.

Research the story of St David. Write your own version of the story.

Task 2 –Health and Wellbeing

Have a go at some traditional welsh dancing with your family:

Have a go at cosmic dragon yoga:

Task 3 – Science and Technology

Use scratch to create your own Welsh Dragon animation clip.


Use J2e data to create a bar graph about your family and friends favourite books

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