Dosbarth Caerdydd: Blended Learning 25.01.21


Daily Activities

Task 1 – Reading and Comprehension

Daily Reading

Read daily at home with an adult. Keep record the books that you read. Maybe you would like to upload a video of you reading a chapter of your book onto Seesaw.


You have a selection of books to read in your library.
Have a go at answering the questions based on these texts.

Task 2 – Spelling

Spelling Shed

You have allocated lists to learn and games to play. How many points can you score?

Task 3 – Mathematics

Maths Targets

Practice your times tables and related facts at home. You might want to use the website Top Marks Maths to help you.

You could also write the product of multiplication on post it notes. Ask a grown up or someone at home to shout out the matchingmultiplication sum. You could ‘splat’ these with a ruler ! If you want to make it more active take the game outside! You could use a ball to shoot at the answers.


Our learning focus

Task 1 – Mathematics


  • We will be adding two decimal numbers using a mental method. E.g 3.4 + 2.3 =
  • We will be subtracting decimals numbers using a mental method. E.g 6.4 – 4.3 =
  • We will be halving and doubling decimals using a doubling and halving diamond.

3D Shapes

  • We recognise and classify 3D shapes. When we talk about 3D shapes, we talk
    about faces, edges and vertices.
    The faces are the flat parts of the shape. The edges are the lines where two faces meet.
    The vertices are the points where two or more edges meet.

Task 2 – Literacy

  • We will be continuing to read the book the Iron man by Ted Hughes.
  • We will be using play scripts to act out at home.
  • We will be using verbs and adverbs to give stage directions.
  • We will be planning a play script about Ho- garth asking Iron Man to help save the world.

Task 3: Science and Technology

  • We will be thinking about managing our waste by ‘reusing’ materials. We will be re- using our rubbish to create artwork inspired by the artist ‘ Darrell Wakelam’

Task 4: Welsh

  • We will be retelling a story in Welsh about a cat. We will highlight vocabulary that we could use to plan our own story about an animal.

Task 5 – RE

  • We will be starting our new topic ‘Eucharist/Relating. We will be thinking about ‘giving and receiving’ by interviewing our grown- ups and family members about why they give their time/care to others and what they receive in return.


Extended learning

Task 1 –Languages, Literacy and Communication.

  • Create an acrostic poem using the words ‘iron man’

Task 2 –Health and Wellbeing

  • Compose a set of warm up exercises to show your family and friends. Remember: the purpose of a warm-up is to raise your heart rate and loosen your joints. It is also meant to be fun!


  • Use items in your home to create an obstacle course. Have a go with your family. Remember to take photos!

Task 3 – Science and Technology

  • Have a look at the waste savers website:

Research what happens to our recycled materials. Create a comic strip explaining what happens to a bottle or a can.

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