Yr 3 Contact Group Information

Dear Parents / Carers,

Firstly, thank you for the concern shown for all those members of the Year 3 contact group who have tested positive for COVID19.

The ‘Warn and Inform’ letter is a standard communication that can’t be altered so I wanted to write and provide more detail on the Year 3 contact group.

Over the last 12 days we have had ten positive cases confirmed for our Year 3 contact group (which is pupils and staff combined). The Schools Test, Trace and Protect service advise to send one warn and inform letter for one infection period which is 10-14 days. However, we have sent more letters and information as we believe that to identify the best steps to take for your child, you need the updates.

Until last evening’s communication, I was cross referencing registers within the contact group to only send ‘warn and inform’ information to those that had been in class with the specific case being referred to. However, given the number of cases, I reissued the information to all pupils in the class to raise awareness of the recommended actions.

We have shared all the measures we are taking with Newport County Council Environmental Health Department and they can recommend no additional measures.

In this outbreak, a wide range of symptoms have been present prior to a positive COVID 19 test result; these symptoms (in addition to the main COVID 19 symptoms of persistent cough, temperature and loss of smell / taste) have included headaches, upset stomach and dizziness.

However, please also be aware that the positive COVID 19 tests in some cases have had no symptoms.

 If you haven’t already taken your child for a PCR test, given the additional cases, please review the testing recommendations in today’s Test, Trace and Protect ‘Warn and Inform’ Letter which can be found here: https://stgabrielsrcprimary.org.uk/warn-and-inform-17-11-21/ and also note the guidance about testing again even if the first result is negative.

We fully appreciate that this is a challenging time and if you would like to talk through any aspect of this letter further, please do get in touch with us.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Maria Harris


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